Blog Posts from the Surrey Centre

Burning Yearning
My soul is seared with the presence of immanence. I cannot look out or within and not see it like an oasis on fire in the desert. Like my mother and father on their death beds. Like my son lying in the road having

Six times a day someone makes you interact with your biggest fear, your phobia: Six times every day, every week, every month. I don’t like being under the ground when I think of the words above, I can feel the tension, I imagine it

Adapting Anxiety
Introversion and extroversion are not about being miserable or cheerful. As a very general description of personality, they simply describe whether a person’s default position is to look inwards, what psychologists with their customary lack of poetic flourish, call ‘inward processing’, or outwards, ie

What is this thing called therapy?
So, here we are once more, in a shared space across from one another. Does it feel like I shouldn’t be here? Like I’ll be judged a fraud or an exaggerator? That my troubles are too much to share, for fear of rejection or

Recovery from an Eating Disorder
Recovering from an eating disorder is not a linear path from suffering straight to recovery. The process takes time, and commitment, to change how an individual thinks about the relationship between food and their body. Throughout the process of recovery, one must not only

Please, take a very high, birds-eye view of cause and effect and observe the fit between all the causes and effects below. Then look up into the darkness and light in the vastness of all the skies above, the patterns there too are clear,
The Surrey Centre for Eating Disorders services
Dietetic Services
The Surrey Centre’s Nutrition Philosophy is based on nutrition and a healthy relationship with food thereby promoting a balanced diet as part of a healthy lifestyle.
One to One Therapy
At The Surrey Centre we use an integrated method of therapy, drawing on different therapeutic approaches and adapting them to meet individual clients needs.
Family Therapy
At The Surrey Centre, we are able to work together with partners, parents, siblings and children helping them understand how to help their loved one. When appropriate we invite the whole family to participate in sessions when feelings and experiences can be shared
Family Education And Support Programme
We understand that it is not only the individual with an eating disorder that needs support and that, often, a wider impact is felt by the whole family. We have put together a Family Education Programme offering a range of practical, dietetic help and advice alongside counselling and emotional support.
As a first step we recommend you come for an assessment. You will be guided through the process by one of our therapists. During the assessment you will have a chance to get a feel for how we work, time to tell us your story, to explain to us what you hope to gain from therapy and what your reservations might be.
Referrals to The Surrey Centre
Referrals to The Surrey Centre for Counselling & Psychotherapy can be made via self referral, GP, Consultant Psychiatrist/Psychologist, Psychotherapist/Counsellor or other appropriate professional.
Psychiatric Services
If you are referred to The Surrey Centre by a psychiatrist we will, with your agreement, work closely with them to ensure you receive a complete package of care. For some of our clients meeting the team at The Surrey Centre is the first point of contact. If at any point we feel the support of a Psychiatrist would be beneficial we will recommend this to you.